Saturday, April 2, 2016

Minding your gut feelings

How many of us have regretted not going with our "gut feelings"?  Call it intuition, universe, or God, but in between the spiritual aspects of our lives and our physical world, we also have to deal with everything in between. As a practitioner of mind body wellness, I'm a firm believer that our gut feelings can tell us a lot about not only what's going on in the physical body, but also our mental well being. When we feel bloated constantly we don't realize how much it can affect our thoughts and actions during the day. Not to mention there's so many of us who think having BMs every 4 days is normal. Then we start realizing our mid section keeps growing, we're sluggish, and we're foggy thinkers! Not to mentions our thoughts of self worth start kicking's the vicious cycle of a condition that so many of us have!  It's really time to mind our gut feelings figuratively and literally speaking.

You can tell a lot about what's going on with someone when we start to look deeper into the gut. It's not a surprise that we when look at just about all diseases and conditions today, the root cause nearly always leads us back to the digestive system. Today's science is now terming the gut as the "second brain". We also know that the epidemic of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and rising autoimmune diseases are the conditions resulting from our own lifestyle choices and what we decide to eat. So it's not a mystery that when we want to achieve our most optimal health, it helps to understand how our bodies process what we eat and what we think.

We should know by now that our guts are contained with a diverse ecological community of bacteria that helps break down our food for energy. This is our microbiome or microbiota. Think of your gut as a neighborhood with both the good guys and the bad guys. When there aren't enough of the good guys, the bad bad ones take over and bam there's a riot going on in your gut. When our "neighborhood" has deficiencies, it hinders our ability to convert those nutrients into everything that we are like our skin, nails, and hair! We are literally what we eat.  It can also challenge our immune system which brings about conditions such as Fibromyalgia, IBS, and even allergies. It's this chain reaction within our bodies that may inhibit our ability to sustain a healthy weight and have the energy we strive for. 

So what do we do? Instead of dishonoring ourselves by reaching for more sugar, "food like" substances, and chemicals, we need to detoxify not only our gut, but also our minds. if you are someone who is just starting to take care of yourself and are overwhelmed with all the information out there. Here are at least 4 basic principles that will get you going in the right direction.

1. Eat clean: Cook your own food. You will know what's exactly in it. Whole foods and ingredients you can pronounce is the most optimal nutrition your body can get. If what you are eating has a shelf life longer than you, you might want to think twice about it. Also CUT the sugar. You hear it time and time again, it's not great for you! Hello inflammation!

2. Add probiotics: You can't hurt yourself by eating activia or a good quality yogurt with all those wonderful good guys of probiotics in your gut! Keep your gut strong, clean and healthy with a daily quality probiotic supplement or foods such as sauerkraut, pickles, kefir, and yogurt! Personally I do both :-)

3. Hydrate: Our bodies function best when we are well lubricated and hydrated. We are made up of liquidity gushy stuff that requires A LOT of water! LOL Keep the gears and wheel well hydrated and help flush out toxins by drinking enough water! At LEAST 8 glasses a day :-) Sometimes it's the simplest things we tend to forget!

4. Ground yourself: Because we are always busy and out of focus with our priorities, grounding exercises can help us to slow down and focus on what's important. Grounding exercises can be anything that helps to slow your consciousness down to become clear. This can be meditation, an easy walk, yoga, relaxing hobby, or even signing to yourself! Whatever your heart desires. Study show that when you have a stress management system in place, it greatly affects our parasympathetic nervous system to respond in ways that positively helps us get through the hard times most efficiently. Stress in all ways is our #1 cause of disease.

Life can be simple, we just make it confusing and difficult! If you don't know where to start these 4 concepts will get you going. It isn't rocket science, its going back to our roots. It's about taking our ancient wisdom and combining it with the modern medicine that has indeed played a huge part in keeping all alive. So take action, detoxify your life just one step or one plate at a time! Go easy on yourself it's a practice. Get support and find that time to slow down and not only educate yourself, but REMEMBER what it is you already know and tap into what is needed for you to feel whole and vitality again! Happy searching!

If you're looking for more support and have questions, feel free to contact me and get a 1 hour discovery health session for free! As a health coach located in Santa Clarita CA. I help to detoxify the mind and body to help folks get back their energy, vitality, and sexy!!! 

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