Thursday, August 1, 2013

Leveraging your convictions

There is something very powerful about acknowledging not only your strengths but also the areas you need help in. When you cope up to your true abilities, you are taking one step closer to holistic success, and who doesn't want that. Keep in mind when I say holistic success, it doesn't mean you must be perfect, because you know there's no such thing. It means being honest and open to new possibilities. Owning everything about who you are the good and the bad. Could your world be a better place if you knew you couldn't fail? Could your loved ones live a different life, if you knew you could indeed help them?

So how could you turn your dreams into reality? That question is only answered by you and you alone. Your conviction is the only thing that will get you there. You've got be comfortable feeling a little bit uneasy and a perceived a little nuts, because it's your conviction and commitment that is going to get you one step closer to a clearer picture of your dreams. I don't believe in pessimism, I don't believe in shutting down possibilities. Because of this, I am still alive, became healthy loosing 31 lbs,  I have a wonderful partner in crime who loves me to death, I have a happy and healthy child with severe disabilities, and I am living a wonderful journey that is only going to get better.

I could have chose to stay down by the sexual trauma, emotional abuse, struggles as single parent with a child with severe disabilities, loosing family members, and being subject to many other forms of abuse and crimes. I could go on and on but my point is, I live my life and I choose to live a fulfilling one despite the pain I feel from time to time. Let's face it we feel vulnerable at times because we are human, we just don't necessarily process it the best way we can.

What if I told you that you can accomplish awesome and beautiful things and make your dreams a reality in your life without loosing who you are and what you love, would you honestly pass that opportunity up? Many become stuck right there because we fear the "hows" and the unknowns of what it takes to get there. This is the time where LEVERAGING YOUR CONVICTIONS come into play!

If you have passion and conviction. I mean true undeniable passion, you will stop at nothing until you have addressed what it was that is lurking in you. It's that conviction and strong passion that will hold you up, cuddle you and keep you warm in times of self doubt and fear. Your conviction, your "why" is your reason, your motive, your cause, and your drive that floats you right up to that next step.

Cigarette smokers: You know when you have that hankering for another puff?
Chocolate addicts: You know when you just HAVE to have that truffle and drive to the store just to get it?
Runners: You know when you just worked out or ran, you are so thirsty you just drank nearly half a gallon of water?

People where is your hankering, craving, or thirst for true fulfilling life? If it's a business you want running, or if it's a relationship you want to have, or wanting to start an organization, what ever it is.................why aren't you looking into it? Why aren't you taking steps? Just take the small steps if you have to, its also about the journey. You character must be built in order for you to be fulfilled. How satisfied would you feel if you were given everything you wanted. Do you know how awful and unfulfilled you would be?  Personally I like to walk the talk. My name is attached to this may I remind you :-)

Leveraging you convictions is a very powerful. Weather its for your personal life, financial, or business, it gives you a way and a map toward the goal.


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


It's hard to find your place, your solutions to life when all you do is complain about how bad everything is. There is difference between having a moment to vent and completely living in negativity. Nobody gets anywhere and the only thing accomplished is knowing how screwed up people can get. Wooopy how fun!

I think we all want to let out steam the wrong way. We live in a human world were politicians create poor examples and people kill each other over small things. It takes a good balance of courage and humbleness to get things done the right way. There are those who stomp on people to get to the top, then there are those who drag others to the top. Which one are you?

My journey brings me to reflect upon my choices everyday. Yes everyday I make choices, the choice to create possibility for my life, or the choice to sit back and let things happen crossing my fingers that things go well. I want something. For me that something looks a lot like becoming empowered by empowering others. This is my dream. In order for me to make it happen, I have to make it happen on purpose.

For instance, I'm currently tossing thoughts in my head on several ways to accomplish my goals. I just need to take action! I want to fund a non-profit important to me in the business that I am currently in. My heart and my passion lies within this and I have this burning feeling that wont go away until it happens. There is nothing wrong with following your dream and making them happen. I personally am tired of the negative people who think they are being "realistic", when in fact, they're being pessimistic. I have to laugh sometimes!

Anyways I just can't sit here wishing. Wishing is for those who really don't want it. Doing is for those with leadership and gumption.

Again I leave with one of my favorite quotes,

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."
-Martin Luther King Jr.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Inspiration Addict

Lately I've been addicted to inspiration. I look for it every day. I find that when I get it, it makes my day a whole lot smoother! I just have to say though; it really makes the negative people I come across a lot more human and then I start to really understand the “whys” of their actions.

It doesn't take a genius to understand that people have bad days and that they will say things that they really don’t mean, but why is that we let our emotions and reactions create boundaries between us? And then create these jaded thoughts in our heads that seem to stop us in our tracks?

 I've passed up too many great opportunities for myself because of my own jaded thoughts. Would my life be different than it is now? Perhaps, I might have had a little less struggle than I have now, but I’m just so grateful that I can see it now.   

Living in the past creates no space for a future! Have you ever question yourself and wonder why we repeat the same crap in our heads all the time, thinking that things will just change on its own? You know there is always going to be an excuse for why you don’t do the things you want to do. Think about this one for a sec………………………Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING THERE’S ALWAYS SOME SORT OF OBSTACLE TO GETTING SOMETHING DONE. If you stayed on that mind frame of procrastination, then face it, you will ALWAYS be in the same spot as you were before.

Another one of my favorite quotes I like to add toward the end of my posts/journal writings,
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

-Eleanor Roosevelt

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Single Parent with Special Needs Child

I was thinking about how challenging it can be to raise a child with special needs, but when you add being a single parent while doing it.....PHEW! I remember the days when it became so unbearable  for me that I almost felt like I was trash, like I was thrown away by society. It's hard to juggle every aspect of your lives when you are beat down and tired from just meeting the basic needs of your little one with disabilities.

Believe it or not, this can be an empowering situation to be in. When that down time hits and your heart feel heavy, it's common to forget the choices you have in front of you. All our lives are full of choices, and the most empowering thing a vulnerable individual can do, (regardless of trauma you've had)  is understand that concept and start making them.

Having been there in that same scary place, I can say that the only reason why I'm alive today is because I made choices and I didn't do it by myself! I kept the line open, reaching out for help all while trying not to be burned at the same time. Help us out there. I've struggled with depression, anxiety, various types of abuse, and trauma.

I maybe just this one person at this point in time saying this while you are reading this, but there are millions of people who do want to reach out and help. But things will not change unless you make those choices yourself. Keep reaching out!

There is a quote that was given to me through a leadership program I've recently attended. It has stuck with me this whole time I find it to be very powerful!

"An empowered woman is the embodiment of grace, dignity, and resiliency. From moment to moment, she makes conscious choices that are based upon her core values and honest self-perception. She is both formidable and approachable. So how does one begin, and how, as women, do we support one another in achieving this idea?"

-Karin Marcus
Women Empowering Women